The Buchan Peterson Pipe Band Project
Past National President William Cummings Jr.
© Clan Cumming Society of the United States – All rights reserved
The Buchan Peterson Pipe Band Project is voluntarily supported by members of Clan Cumming Society USA to promote an authentic connection to the District of Buchan and to a Scottish cultural group that represents the Clan Cumming in Scotland. This tremendously successful band has represented the Buchan District as well as being the only Royal Scottish Pipe Band Association member wearing the Cumming Tartan.
The band was founded in 1970 and competed throughout Scotland as a Grade IV level. In 1992 they founded the North of Scotland Champion of Champions competition that still runs today. During the early 90's the band was moving up the Pipe Band ranks with great success. They even appeared with Rod Stewart in concert.
It was during this same period I had contacted the band secretary asking for more information on the band and expressing my interest in their success. It was amazing seeing them in Glasgow at the World Pipe Band competition playing among other tunes "Willie Cumming's Rant" It was no small matter that they also wore our beloved Cumming Tartan.
It was during this same period I had contacted the band secretary asking for more information on the band and expressing my interest in their success. It was amazing seeing them in Glasgow at the World Pipe Band competition playing among other tunes "Willie Cumming's Rant" It was no small matter that they also wore our beloved Cumming Tartan.
Once again I met up with the band at the World Championship, August 2006, and got to spend time with members and get a first hand look behind the scenes. It was at this meeting that the project was suggested by me as a way to support a Scottish cultural activity directly related to the Clan Cumming Society.
This project itself remains one of financially assisting some of the younger students and university age pipers in the band, and has been very much appreciated. Scottish bands have absolutely wonderful trophies to compete for but the cost to maintain a band at grade level is large. As a result they must charge annual fees to their members. Your donations are sent to the band secretary and are used to support the younger members. The band can be found on Facebook - BUCHAN PETERSON PIPE BAND.
Fund raising begins after the first of each year with distribution to the band in May. Should you desire to help Clan Cumming with it's support of the band, you may send a donation to the address below.
Clan Cumming Society USA
c/o Rev Brian K. Cummins
2123 Tiburon Drive
Redding, CA 96003